
Take Ownership of Your Creative Works.

Copyrights Services

We Are Experts in Copyright Law

How Can We Help You?

Identifying Copyrightable Content

Copyright law has a broad application to created content. It’s not just reserved for songs, books, and movies – a copyright can protect things like streamer assets and pitch decks, social media content, product package design, and even scents. We can help identify what content is ready for protection – both the most important and the least obvious.

U.S. Copyright Applications

For the most protection over your content, a copyright registration is required. With it, you can rely on federal law for access to federal courts, statutory damages, and assistance from U.S. Customs against infringing imports. Social media sites and e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Etsy, eBay and Alibaba are also more cooperative with a federal registration in hand. We offer full-service, flat fee representation for your federal application.

Copyright Licensing

Licensing allows a copyright owner to be paid for allowing someone else to use, reproduce, or sell their work for a limited time. It’s a mutually beneficial relationship that involves little effort by the copyright owner. Registering those rights to create something licensable is the first step. Then, the legal experts at Daniel Ross & Associates can help you leverage your copyright for profit through a license agreement.

Copyright Enforcement

If you make it, someone will probably try to copy it. And you should have an effective strategy for how to approach infringers. We can help you by drafting effective demand letters, negotiating settlements, and pre-trial planning to help you stay ahead of the copycats.

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